Creating the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of

- Do you feel strong, healthy, and financially secure?
- Are you too busy working to take the time to make more money than you need just to get by?
- Will you be in the same position five years from now?
So, you’ve scoured the internet for a home business and are now totally confused, how do you separate the real diamonds from the fakes?
Most business opportunity websites focus on money and success stories. Do you really think that you can:
* make money with no investment of money, time or energy, or all three;
* Make money legally without selling a product or service.* Make a thousand dollars between Friday and the weekend.* Believe someone who dupes you into reading a web page with a deceptive headline.
What YOU must concentrate on is deciding what you want to do so that you can recognize it when you find it.
You need to learn how to be just as insistent as those scam artists. Learn what it is that you’re looking for, and never settle for less.
Here are some of the questions you need to ask in order to clarify exactly what you want.
What do you really want in life? No matter what your current situation is, you need to look beyond those particular circumstances and decide what it is you ultimately want to achieve.
For example, you may have bill collectors calling you every day. Your automatic answer may be, “I want them to go away, I want to be able to pay off my debts.”
You need to look beyond that. What you really want is financial stability and security so you can do what you really want to do, whether it be charitable, recreational, etc.
Yes, you want to be your own boss, regulate and schedule your own time, and control your hours and income, but maybe you also want to work with others who will train you to be just as successful as they are.
Do you want to market on the internet, sell, host parties, take orders, deliver products, handle stocking and inventory, or collect money? Do you want to work independently most of the time, or do you want to work closely with others every day?
Don’t forget that there are many aspects of going to work for others that you may be overlooking because of current stresses or worries. Will you be happy sitting at home alone in your home office all day? Will you miss the camaraderie of conversations around the water cooler or over lunch?
Maybe you want to stay home with your young children. Will you miss having adult conversations?
What I’m suggesting here, is to look beyond the lure of the “quick dollar” and pay attention to the details of what you will actually be doing every day in any online business. If you don’t see it in print, ask! Ask those who are already in the business. Ask the owner.
Maybe what you are looking for is what is called the intellectual distribution business. It’s the next trillion-dollar industry. It’s all about educating consumers about products and services that will improve their lives, that they didn’t even know existed; safer, healthier, more convenient alternatives to products and services they already need and use; wholesale prices, ordering online or on the phone, and deliveries right to their door.
Do you also want a system you can just plug into, simple enough for beginners? Even if you know nothing about personal websites, live online conference rooms, or how to identify prospects interested in your products or services, you want to be successful and have those tools and talents at your disposal.
My biggest suggestion would be to first sign up for the 3-Day Business Builder Challenge. You will also have my guidance and support along the way. If you’re ever interested, just let me know [by leaving a comment below].